
The American Legal System


CELOP/Boston University

Fall 2010

Joseph Pettigrew






The John Adams Courthouse




A Civil Action



          A guide from the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts in pdf format

          Includes the handout from class "The Federal Judicial Process in Brief"

          Civil and criminal procedure are discussed beginning on p. 14












Links & Downloads



          This site has the full Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, etc. 

          It also explains the basics of the Constitution and Bill of Rights in simple language.

          (There's one for students in Kindergarten, and others for different grade levels.)



          includes Plessy v. Fergusson and Brown v. Board of Education



Legal Lad podcast - main page


Links to the specific podcasts we have listened  to in class. You can listen again online or download an mp3.

Each page also has the transcript of the podcast, so you can read along as well as listen to it.



Legal Vocabulary


          Definitions of legal terms and crimes from acquittal to warrant - in easy-to-understand language. 

          From the Minnesota State Bar website.  In Word (*.doc) format.




          (Right click and save to your computer to view. Plays on Windows Media Player and Apple Quicktime.)



Facebook & the 1st Amendment - Links to Videos




Law & Order

Link the the  episode we saw in class

Season 20, episode #16 "Brilliant Disguise"

(Clicking on this link will open iTunes on your computer.)




A review of legal terminology. It includes a lot of the vocabulary we're

covered in class, plus some new terms.

YouTube plugin error


The Academic Word List


The Academic Word List contains 570 word families which appear frequently in a broad range of academic texts. These are not the 570 most common words in English; they are the ones you will encounter most often while reading in university - as well as in newspapers, magazines, and on the internet. If you want to improve your vocabulary, this is a very good place to start.